The performance has its final vizual form.The author and performer
Breda Kralj - SOFIA is using just one object i.e. a specially
shaped mask made of iron sheet. This mask replaces the usual theatre
space. As far from client´s eye as suitable for reading
there is a projection frame into which transparent epidiascope
plates can be inserted, holding the inscriptions.The purpose of
the mask is to isolate the client.Immediately after the projection
is over the client is supposed to create a strory of his own that
is related to the theme given by the matrix. His story is recorded
on tape or, in another option, the client writes it down and signs
it immediately after the projection is over. This performance
is being held on official hours (from 10 AM to 2 PM). The client
stays in the room all alone for approximately 15 minutes. There
are no witnesess. The performance is being held in silence. The
usual everyday noises of the house do not disturb it. The clients
are chosen by the hosting art institution in accordance with the
author. To run the performance the author needs an assistant who
is being chosen by the art institution as well. Also the author
needs at least 4 clients a day. All the other condition are negotiable.
author´s reation to the client is semiprivate since the
ultimate aim of the process is the published collection of stories;
its circulation will not reach the number of the participants.
The performance is easy to run and percive.The author is responsible
for organiziring and running the performance, its language being
The producer Kulturno drustvo
will agree with the manager about the details, timetable and production